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About Journals

Aug 14, 2023

Advide from Prof. Uchiyama (updated 2023/08/22)

He recommended to submit to IEEE Robot and Automation Letters since the research topic is in the field of robotics. Also, IRAL provides option to choose a conference to present either ICRA or IROS.

From above advice, I gonna confirm this information and make a plan for paper submission.

Journal ranking (2023/08/14)

To begin to write draft for journal paper, I planned to search more information to know more about this area of expertise. According to this site https://www.resurchify.com/, academic community measures or compares journals based on their impact score. Also, it is uncertain that paid journal is less impact than free journal; however, one of senior researchers in our lab mentioned that free journal is better for evaluation of the research.

To the main discussion, consider this ranking from ooir.org using impact factor as measurement.

Journals from System Engineering Laboratory (2023/08/14)






IEEE Access